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dc.contributor.authorBelaoura, Widad-
dc.contributor.otherGhanem, Khalida, Directeur de thèse-
dc.contributor.otherBousbia Salah, Hicham, Directeur de thèse-
dc.descriptionThèse de Doctorat : Électronique : Alger, École Nationale Polytechnique : 2019fr_FR
dc.description.abstractRealizing MIMO antennas in practical mm-Wave underground minin g communications, however, requires addressing several key challenges: (i) channel estimation, (ii) hardware impairments. In this thesis, we aim to improve the trade- off between performances and system complexity with special focus toward multiple-ante nna underground communications based on real channel measurements carried out at the 60 GHz band. In this context, we first present a contribution to study a novel architecture encompassing hybrid precoded mm-Wave MIMO structure, in which the hardware impairments have been incorporated in the transceiver processing. We then propose a low complexity forward-backward processing for underground mm-Wave channel estimation in the STBC-FBMC system. Finally, we turn our attention to mm-Wave MU-MIMO systems and proposed a new design of UAV deployment in which UAV operates as a beamforming relay, thereby mitigating the drawbacks of LOS blockage and multiple access interference. The performances of the proposed systems are verified by simulation to confirm the efficiency of the proposed systems.fr_FR
dc.subjectChannel estimationfr_FR
dc.subjectHybrid precodingfr_FR
dc.subjectMIMO undergroundfr_FR
dc.titleStudy of the transmitter-receiv er architectures based on the combination of multi-anten na techniques and spatial modulation, and the optimizat ion of communication quality = Etude d’architectures d’émetteur s et de récepteurs basées sur la combinaison des techniques multi antennes et de la modulation spatiale, et optimisation de la qualité de la communicationfr_FR
Collection(s) :Département Electronique

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