Fluid flow measurement based on infrared waves

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dc.contributor.author Sameut Bouhaik, Youssouf
dc.contributor.other Adnane, Mourad, Directeur de thèse
dc.date.accessioned 2021-01-24T09:00:33Z
dc.date.available 2021-01-24T09:00:33Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.other Ms14316
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.enp.edu.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/6891
dc.description Mémoire de Master : Electronique : Alger, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique : 2016 fr_FR
dc.description.abstract The main problem in scientific fields is measurement of different parameters. This measurement helps us understand many aspects of the subject. Measurement of fluid flow takes an important standing in the hydraulic research due to its use in interpreting the fluid behavior. Many traditional methods were used to measure flow. These methods still suffer from slow response and poor precision and resolution. Using an electronic approach to measure the fluid flow may solve these deficiencies. This work presents the use of the differential pressure measurement to deduce fluid flow based on Bernoulli’s equation. fr_FR
dc.language.iso en fr_FR
dc.subject Fluids fr_FR
dc.subject Flow fr_FR
dc.subject Difference of pressure fr_FR
dc.subject Bernoulli’s equation fr_FR
dc.title Fluid flow measurement based on infrared waves fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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