Automation and optimization of RC dual systems for earthquake resisting buildings using a genetic algorithm in BIM environment

Show simple item record Larfi, Saber Souaci, Khelil
dc.contributor.other Bourahla, Nouredine, Directeur de thèse
dc.contributor.other Tafraout, Salim, Directeur de thèse 2021-11-16T13:51:15Z 2021-11-16T13:51:15Z 2021
dc.identifier.other EP00291
dc.description Mémoire de Projet de Fin d’Études : Génie Civil : Alger, École Nationale Polytechnique : 2021 fr_FR
dc.description.abstract In the current era of technological advancements, most of the industry sectors have undergone tremendous progress over the last few decades and have reaped the benefits of process and product innovations. The Engineering & Construction sector, however, has been hesitant about fully embracing the latest technological opportunities. Back to the problems, it is found that the diversity of the partners and disciplines involved in the architecture, engineering and construction process and the iterative nature of the design procedure caused that delay towards the trend of automation and optimization. The building information modelling (BIM) environment is an emerging technology which address that drawback by providing a space for information sharing and helping the inter-disciplinary check during the conceptual phase and further stages. In this context, the present project adapts both genetic algorithm and tabu search (TS) to automate and optimize the structural design of RC dual systems for earthquake resisting buildings within a BIM platform. Finally, a genetic algorithm with multi-objective function is applied to generate an optimized structural shear walls layout under different set of structural constraints. fr_FR
dc.language.iso en fr_FR
dc.subject RCDS fr_FR
dc.subject BIM fr_FR
dc.subject Structural optimization fr_FR
dc.subject Genetic algorithm fr_FR
dc.subject Tabu search fr_FR
dc.title Automation and optimization of RC dual systems for earthquake resisting buildings using a genetic algorithm in BIM environment fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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