Performance of novel architectures based on index modulation, considering multiuser interference and intersymbols

Show simple item record Berrahma, Fadila
dc.contributor.other Ghanem, Khalida, Directeur de thèse
dc.contributor.other Bousbia-Salah, Hicham, Directeur de thèse 2023-10-18T08:43:55Z 2023-10-18T08:43:55Z 2023
dc.identifier.other T000417
dc.description Thèse de Doctorat : Électronique : Alger, École Nationale Polytechnique : 2023 fr_FR
dc.description.abstract In this thesis, we are interested in analyzing and studying the performance of the different architectures based on index modulation (IM). Extension architectures for a multi-user context are of interest, adopting CDMA-based techniques. In order to combat channel frequency selectivity in communications that have a very high data rate, we propose to combine conventional IM with GFDM. As a contribution, we propose an innovative scheme, based on multiple access IM, using a frequency selective channel in the Terahertz band in an In-VIVO environment. Very high data throughput can be offered while ensuring good communication in the modern medical network. The overall obtained results are considered satisfactory and open other interesting perspectives of research fr_FR
dc.language.iso en fr_FR
dc.subject MIMO fr_FR
dc.subject Index Modulation fr_FR
dc.subject OFDM fr_FR
dc.subject GFDM fr_FR
dc.subject ZF fr_FR
dc.title Performance of novel architectures based on index modulation, considering multiuser interference and intersymbols fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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