FactCheckBureau : build your own fact-check analysis pipeline

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dc.contributor.author Saadi, Brahim
dc.contributor.author Elfraihi, Mohammed Younes
dc.contributor.other Zouaghi, Iskander, Directeur de thèse
dc.contributor.other Ioana, Manolescu, Directeur de thèse
dc.contributor.other Oana, Balalau, Directeur de thèse
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-03T14:27:11Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-03T14:27:11Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.other EP00882
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.enp.edu.dz/jspui/handle/123456789/11175
dc.description Mémoire de Projet de Fin d’Etudes : Génie Industriel. Data Science-Intelligence Artificielle : Alger, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique : 2024 fr_FR
dc.description.abstract This thesis explores the development and evaluation of automated fact-checking systems, focusing on matching claims and tweets to fact-checking articles. We assess retrieval and re-ranking methods, such as the BM25 algorithm and SBERT model. Key contributions include: • Sentence-Level Similarity: A novel approach for SBERT re-ranking improves accuracy in tweet-article matching. • Language-Specific Analysis: Comparative analysis of English and French claims highlights the need for language-specific models. • FactCheckBureau Platform: A web application designed to help researchers and journalists develop accurate claim-fact check matching systems. Our experiments reveal the strengths and limitations of various methods. While BM25 serves as a robust baseline, SBERT with sentence-level granularity enhances precision. We also explore tweet enrichment techniques like OCR and image captioning to improve tweet representation. This research advances automated fact-checking, offering tools and insights to combat misinformation. The FactCheckBureau platform enables effective claim verification, promoting accurate information online. fr_FR
dc.language.iso en fr_FR
dc.subject Fact-checking fr_FR
dc.subject Misinformation fr_FR
dc.subject Automated systems fr_FR
dc.subject Tweet-article matching fr_FR
dc.subject Information retrieval fr_FR
dc.subject BM25 fr_FR
dc.subject SBERT fr_FR
dc.subject Sentence-level similarity fr_FR
dc.subject Tweet enrichment fr_FR
dc.subject English and French fr_FR
dc.subject FactCheckBureau fr_FR
dc.title FactCheckBureau : build your own fact-check analysis pipeline fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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