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Titre: Contribution to estimation-based nonlinear control design for multi-UAV systems
Auteur(s): BOUHOUNALI, Feriel
Ladaci, Samir, Directeur de thèse
Belkhatir, Zohor, Directeur de thèse
Mots-clés: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Multi-UAV systems
Formation control
Model Predictive Control
Date de publication: 2023
Résumé: This work explores control and estimation techniques for the trajectory tracking problem applied to a multi-quadrotor system in the context of leader-follower formation control. We introduce an optimized PID controller, and a Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller (NMPC). State estimation is done using the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Extensive simulations validate the proposed approaches. The results provide valuable insights into the performance and suitability of these control approaches. Our contribution lies in the integration of a prediction-based approach in NMPC for the formation control problem and the use of the CasADi optimization framework for multiquadrotor systems.
Description: Mémoire de Projet de Fin d’Études : Automatique : Alger, École Nationale Polytechnique : 2023
Collection(s) :Département Automatique

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